Open Letter to Federal Councillor Berset

Open Letter to Federal Councillor Berset

22. September 2021

About a year ago, we took a position on the then-current COVID-19 situation in a letter titled “COVID-19 – How this Crisis can be Managed” and kindly explained how this crisis could have arisen and how it can be sustainably managed.

As the situation surrounding COVID-19 dangerously worsens and societal division increases, we have now written a second “Letter to Federal Councillor Alain Berset” with a request to answer the questions raised in it.

In connection with COVID-19, there are people who choose to be vaccinated and others who do not. We respect both equally. As founders of the SunHeart Business Leaders, we feel committed to our shared values and distance ourselves from any form of discrimination.

We are proud to live in a country where all people are equal before the law and have the same rights…a country whose mission is to “protect the freedom and rights of the people” (Article 2 of the Federal Constitution). That is why we also reject that our constitutional rights are so severely curtailed by the current COVID policy and that freedom of choice is sacrificed to a hidden vaccine mandate. This is unworthy of a constitutional state and, due to the constant fear-mongering on both sides, contributes to the division of the population.

However, a crisis of this magnitude can only be “overcome by mutual consideration and respect for diversity within unity,” as described in the preamble to the Federal Constitution.

This unity must now be strengthened more than ever…in the family, in the company, among friends, in the state. Now is the time to come together, show understanding for each other’s concerns, reach out to each other, and, vaccinated or unvaccinated, ensure that we can all continue to enjoy the freedoms for which our forefathers fought so hard.

He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy against oppression.

Thomas Paine – one of the founding fathers of the United States of America

Please also read our blog posts “No Fear of the Coronavirus” and “To the People of this World” in this context.

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