No Fear of the Coronavirus


6. March 2020

“A good captain can calm his crew and steer his ship safely into port even in stormy seas.”

People are under quarantine, shelves are being emptied, the stock markets are going crazy, and a few days ago the Swiss Federal Council declared a “Special Situation”. Yesterday, we mourned the first death due to the coronavirus in Switzerland.

Reason enough for me to briefly speak up and counter the current uncertainty. I don’t want to downplay the worries of the population or judge the decisions of the Federal Council. That is not up to me. But what I can do is recall a few simple things that may help to individually cope with the current situation and make a valuable contribution to improving the overall situation.

Let’s keep a cool head

The most important thing at the moment seems to me to prevent the concern of the population from turning into fear and eventually panic. We must not forget that everything that eventually manifests itself begins in consciousness. Through our thoughts and feelings, we are constantly creating our own reality. In medicine, the placebo (positive reaction) or the nocebo effect (negative reaction) is spoken of when people react positively or negatively to medications or information, even if the medications have no active ingredients or the supposed information is untrue. What is crucial is what the person believes or is convinced of.

If, now, fears arise among the majority of the Swiss population or people all over the world through the information we receive in connection with the Coronavirus, we collectively accelerate and intensify what we fear the most. On the other hand, a strong mind, if it can maintain the positive image of a desired end state in its consciousness and nourish it with the feeling of selfless love, can hold peace for an entire nation.

One of my mentors – a wonderful man – once told me many years ago: “When something negative comes your way, embrace it! Pull it into your heart, nurture it with your love, and transform it into something positive to give back to the world.

Why shouldn’t we, as humans, be able to transform the current situation around the coronavirus into something beautiful, constructive, and wonderful? The Chinese use two characters for the word “crisis,” one for “danger” and the other for “opportunity,” and for good reason.


In the current crisis, there is definitely an opportunity… the opportunity to come together, to support each other, to help each other, to find creative ways to solve the problems that are arising now. But all of this can only work if the egoism of the individual gives way to the well-being of the whole. That is love… and LOVE is indeed the antidote to fear. Love heals. It is like the sun, and when it shines it dispels the shadows of fear.

Love for our fellow human beings and this precious planet Earth is also the driving force behind why we founded SunHeart Business Leaders, and why we want to create “a globally ethical economy with thriving people who contribute to the good of the whole“. We now have a particularly special opportunity to put that into practice.

There are countless ways to bring a little sunshine into the lives of our employees, supervisors, suppliers, competitors, colleagues, etc… Let’s be creative and have fun doing it. Teilhard de Jardin once said that joy is the surest sign that God is present in man. I can only agree with that.

For my part, I have decided to touch the hearts of my fellow human beings even more strongly during this time and thus help to counteract the prevailing uncertainty. Sometimes a smile, a kind word, or a heartfelt thank you is enough to make people shine… and there is so much we can be grateful for.

For example, I am infinitely grateful to have found friends in Reto Sachs, Reto Britschgi, and so many of our members, with whom I love to travel and make this beautiful world a little better and make a positive difference.

Also lasst uns in diesen Zeiten des Aufruhrs die Ruhe bewahren. Lasst uns die Welt mit all dem Guten, das wir zu geben haben überschütten und lasst uns das Bild von gesunden und strahlenden Menschen, in gesunden Firmen, in gesunden Nationen, auf einem gesunden Planeten aufrecht erhalten und im Frieden sein. 

So let us maintain calm in these times of turmoil. Let us shower the world with all the goodness we have to give and let us uphold the image of healthy and radiant people, in healthy companies, in healthy nations, on a healthy planet, and be at peace.

In this spirit, I wish you all a wonderful time with many joyful encounters. And if there is anything that we SunHearts can do for you, please let me know.

From the bottom of my heart
Karin Fuchs-Häseli

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