Rethinking Business!
A new way of thinking
Einstein once said that we cannot solve problems with the same thinking that created them. As a quantum physicist, he understood the guiding power of consciousness. Today, we must recognize that we can only solve the global problems we face if we are willing to question our own motives and develop a new consciousness – away from greed and other ego-centric motivations, towards a sincere willingness to contribute to the good in the world. Believing that we can achieve the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with the same old ways of thinking is illusory. We may solve one problem, but at the same time create two new ones.
Nature as a Role Model
First, we must understand that nature is a great symbiosis and that we are all part of it. All life is interconnected, interdependent, and mutually influencing. Responsible leaders recognize this and are therefore committed to making a valuable contribution to the well-being of this entire organism Earth with their products and services.
Equally important is to recognize that the processes in nature are highly intelligent and well thought out. We would do well not to constantly disturb these processes. And we should not be so arrogant as to think that we can do better…we are not that smart yet. Instead, we should marvel at the wonders of nature, learn from it with the necessary restraint, and take nature as a role model, for example, in developing new products. Only if we begin to better understand both the principles by which it operates and our own nature, will it be possible for us to gradually restore the natural state of this beautiful planet and solve the current problems sustainably.
New Ways
A shift in thinking on the part of consumers has been happening for some time, and under pressure from them, more and more companies are finding new ways to do business. Many companies are now committed to a sustainable future and want to leave a good and environmentally friendly impression on their end customers. The underlying motivation determines whether it is a truly commendable contribution or just greenwashing.
Bringing about a real change in values in large companies is not so easy. It often takes years for a new corporate culture to truly take hold. Self-employed individuals and small businesses have it easier and can implement changes more quickly. When you consider that around 98% of all companies in Switzerland are so-called micro and small businesses and together employ about half of all employed persons, it becomes clear that they have the potential to bring about a ‘system change’. Those among them who establish ethics and sustainability in the economy through their own credible behavior will be the winners of tomorrow.
A new form of business management – Business in harmony with nature
To support this “new” generation of leaders in successfully leading their companies into the future, we have developed a practical training program based on a strong foundation of values and a new understanding of ethics and sustainability. Over four months, we will work with top experts from finance and business to develop how “the leadership of the future – Business in harmony with nature” works.
A course for people with visions
We don’t have much time left to bring about change… which is why it’s up to each and every one of us now. For those who share the vision of an ethical economy with flourishing people who serve the common good and who are sincerely committed to a livable future, we guarantee a place in this training as a Certified SunHeart Business Leader.
We cordially invite you to attend one of our information events. Get to know us and learn everything you need to know about this course ‘Business in harmony with nature’.