A Few Words to You...
21. December 2020
Dear friend,
At the end of this very special year 2020, I feel the need to address you, wherever you live on this earth, and however you have experienced the past 12 months. If you are reading this, know that I see you as a friend… someone who is important and valuable to me. Perhaps we know each other, perhaps not. It doesn’t matter, because I know we are all in the same boat. And if we go down, we will do so together. But we will not go down, even though one might think so given the current circumstances, especially the COVID-19 pandemic.
You know, the coronavirus is not our enemy. It is a part of life, part of a great symbiosis. It does not intend to harm us. It is simply its inherent destiny to multiply. That it can do so uncontrollably at the moment is because we have created an environment that allows it to do so. We have weakened and imbalanced the immune system of our wonderful mother earth and that of our own bodies to such an extent that we are barely able to maintain the natural order and our health.
Nature provides us with everything we need for a healthy life or for healing through its four elements. However, we have poisoned the soil that is intended to provide us with healthy food, just as we have polluted the water we so desperately need – you know, our body consists of about two-thirds water – and the air that supplies us with oxygen and the vital prana (life energy). How on earth is our body supposed to provide a healthy immune system that can deal with viruses easily under normal circumstances?
And now we think we have to fight this virus by all means and believe that a vaccination solves all problems. That will not be the case – again, the virus is not the problem. The order of the day is to restore the natural order in every area of life. This has long been overdue, and we have received enough warnings from nature. If we don’t do it now, another pandemic or some other “disaster” will come our way… as long as we finally hear the outcry from Mother Earth, take it seriously and out of love for her and all life, bring things back “in order”. We need to bring life back into a natural order so that we can eat healthy food, drink clean water, and breathe pure air again. This has a lot to do with appreciation and gratitude. And it is precisely this gratitude that sets the flow of love in motion.
Dealing with this crisis is all about LOVE. Because what we love, we nurture and protect. And isn’t that what we all need the most and what many people are currently lacking?
I wish us all that, with the help of this little virus, we realize how much we are all connected to nature and to each other, how dependent we are on a healthy ecosystem, and what really matters in life, what really counts. Every change begins with awareness. Everything else comes afterward.
It may sound trivial, but it is the simple but highly valuable things that touch our hearts and that will ultimately lead us out of the crisis. No one can buy them, they are priceless. But everyone can give them and will be richly rewarded.
Honor, protect, and be grateful for everything nature gives you. Just like you, every other living being will feel this gratitude and be touched by your appreciation.
Don’t miss out on embracing life and your loved ones. And don’t forget that a hug also does well for those who may not be as familiar to you.
Approach life with a smile. Even when things are difficult and some people are too tired to give you one, give them yours because no one needs a smile more than those who have none left to give.
Be joyful and greet the day with a song. Singing and laughing drives away worries and fears… and it connects you with the divinity within you.
Don’t hesitate to pray… and remember that the most beautiful prayer is one of gratitude.
Love wholeheartedly and give your affection to everything and everyone. There is not a part of life that is not lifted up by your loving attention.
In this spirit, I wish you a heartfelt Merry Christmas and a happy New Year full of promise!
Karin Fuchs-Häseli
Co-Founder & CEO